It’s the most talked about beard in the AFL this pre-season and next week Michael Hurley will finally shave it off.

Hurley has been likened to a Viking, Forrest Gump (you know the scene where he’s running) and even Harry Henderson.

Requests from family, friends and teammates to part way with the golden facial fleece have fallen on deaf ears.

But enter five year-old Rye Johnson, and Hurley had an instant change of heart.

Through his work with children’s charity The MAD Foundation, he learnt of Rye’s inspiring story and decided he wanted to help.

Rye has cerebral palsy and is in need of a special bed to make sure he can sleep safely at night.

The problem is the bed costs $20,000.

Hurley is determined to raise the money for Rye. His simple proposition is, raise the money and the beard comes off.

Last week the large target received a significant trim when the wonderful people at the Shaver Shop heard about the story.

The Shaver Shop generously donated $10,000 to the cause, leaving Hurley just $5,000 off his goal. 

To help Hurley raise the funds for Rye, you can donate here

The razor from the Shaver Shop is ready to go, Michael Hurley just needs to reach his goal of $20,000.