Essendon FC recognises the following members, who register 30 years of commitment in 2024.
Cameron | Abbott |
Helen | Adams |
Peter | Adams |
Geoffrey | Adams |
Irene | Anderson |
John | Anstee |
Simon | Appleby |
Andrea | Appleby |
James | Armstrong |
Steven | Ash |
Helen | Ashby |
Glenn | Bailey |
Ray | Barbary |
Steven | Barker |
Gloria | Bartlett |
Danielle | Baylis |
Andrew | Bayly |
Mark | Bayly |
Ashley | Beck |
Christine | Behnane |
Pierre | Behnane |
Paul | Bell |
Garry | Bentley |
Stephen | Bentwood |
Nicole | Bergin |
Janice | Biggs |
William | Blair |
Cheryl | Blair |
Brendan | Blatt |
Nicholas | Blatt |
Jonathan | Blight |
Martin | Bonett |
Anne-maree | Booth |
Travis | Bourke |
Margaret | Bowyer |
Stephen | Bradley |
Marina | Brindley |
Rae | Broadbent |
Greg | Brown |
Tracey | Burnett |
John | Burton |
Adam | Bushby |
Robert | Byrne |
Travis | Byron |
Cameron | Cairns |
Brian | Campbell |
Leigh | Cannavo |
Patrick | Cannon |
Michele | Canteri |
Lisa | Caruana |
Maria | Caruana |
Simon | Cave |
Glen | Centin |
Sam | Certo |
Cameron | Certo |
Cameron | Certo |
Naomi | Chester |
Monica | Chester |
Mark | Chester |
Norman | Chin |
Mark | Chircop |
Paul | Chivers |
Daniela | Ciavarella |
John | Ciccaldo |
Joe | Cichello |
Natalie | Cimarosti |
Kathy | Cinque |
Ezio | Cirillo |
Dianne | Clark |
Gareth | Clark |
Kathleen | Clark |
Karen | Clarke |
Julian | Clarke |
Peter | Cleary |
Jeffrey | Cocks |
Peter | Connors |
Melanie | Cook |
Steven | Cooke |
Raelene | Cooke |
John | Cornehls |
Julie | Corrigan |
Emil | Cotsis |
Stuart | Cousins |
Christina | Cowman |
Alana | Craven |
Andrew | Crellin |
Melissa | Crothers |
John | Cullen |
Susanne | Cullen |
Stephen | Cunnington |
Joe | Cutri |
Paul | Cutri |
Henry | D'Aloisio |
Cathy | Davey |
Philip | Davis |
Sean | De Morton |
Margaret | D'Elia |
Carol | Delzotto |
Pamela | Dessent |
Rob | Destradi |
Cesare | Di Gregorio |
Jenny | Dixon |
Leanne | Doran |
Michael | Doran |
Michael | Dowling |
Stephen | Doyle |
Andrew | Draffin |
Andrew | Draffin |
Virginia | Draper |
Norman | Draper |
Lindsay | Driver |
Raymond | Dummett |
Amee | Duncan |
John | Duns |
Chris | Earls |
Rick | Edwards |
Jonathan | Ellard |
Joanne | Fader |
Raymond | Fahey |
Joel | Fayman |
Helen | Fell |
Luke | Fensling |
Sarah | Ferguson |
Paul | Fisher |
Alan | Fletcher |
Spiros | Floudiotis |
Peter | Forbes |
Frank | Ford |
Gregory | Fusinato |
Carolyn | Gaff |
Joel | Gardner |
Micheal | Garvey |
Frank | Gent |
Tracey | Gert |
Marc | Gervasi |
Adrian | Gervasi |
Noel | Gillick |
David | Gould |
Nicholas | Gowland |
Desmond | Gray |
Melissa | Greatrex |
Jonathan | Green |
Michael | Grillo |
Lorraine | Grindal |
Troy | Grzeschka |
Paul | Guerra |
Paul | Guinane |
Melissa | Gusman |
Trevor | Hadley |
Peter | Hall |
Roy | Hammill |
Kathleen | Hanley |
Marc | Hanley |
Adrian | Hansen |
Peter | Hantzis |
Murray | Harper |
Joan | Hartley |
Joan | Hartley |
Andrea | Harwood |
Kim | Harwood |
Flora | Hasankolli |
Ken | Hastie |
Glenda | Hatcher |
Joan | Hathway |
Carolyn | Haupt |
Zoran | Havranek |
Stephen | Hawke |
Colleen | Hayes |
Gavin | Hayes |
Kristine | Henderson |
Nina | Heymanson |
John | Hills |
Simon | Hilton |
Marilyn | Hinch |
Wayne | Hoare |
Gavin | Hobbs |
Mark | Hobson |
Matthew | Hoch |
Paul | Hodge |
Ashley | Hogarty |
John | Holden |
Janet | Holt |
Wayne | Howlett |
Richard | Hunter |
Ken | Hutchinson |
Philip | Jackson |
Barbara | Jacobs |
Stuart | Jamieson |
Margaret | Jarrett |
Ian | Jarvie |
Brian | Jayasingha |
Peter | Kaladis |
Michael | Kearney |
Sonya | Keay |
Rhonda | Kellam |
Chris | Kelly |
Samantha | Kelly |
Brett | Kenny |
Adam | Kenny |
Glenn | Kerr |
Mark | Kingston |
Peter | Koger |
Mark | Koliba |
Karen | Korman |
George | Kotridis |
Ian | Kronborg |
Erik | Kronborg |
Josephine | La Fontaine |
Julie | Lahausse |
Jason | Laird |
Alan | Landgren |
Alan | Landgren |
Judith | Lawrentschuk |
Luke | Lawrentschuk |
Guy | Laws |
Kevin | Le Plastrier |
Rick | Lee |
Rhonda | Leehane |
Michael | Leggatt |
Maria | Legudi |
Harry | Leigh |
Peter | Leigh |
Michelle | Lenehan |
Micheal | Lennon |
Maria | Leoni |
Ronny | Lerner |
Cassandra | Lester |
Peter | Lewinsky |
Raymond | Linegar |
Andrew | Liszczynsky |
Garry | Lloyd |
Kevin | Lloyd |
Stephen | Long |
Benjamin | Long |
Greg | Lowres |
Janet | Luscombe |
Darryn | Lynch |
Cliff | Lyng |
Cliff | Lyng |
Nathan | Mackey |
Leon | Maclaren |
Julie | Macpherson |
Nicholas | Madden |
Baden | Maggs |
Janet | Maloney |
Emanuele | Manini |
Vivien | Manini |
David | Maplestone |
Joseph | Marchio |
Gina | Marchio |
Brenton | Marschall |
Graeme | Martin |
Nick | Martin |
Tim | Martino |
Casey | Mason |
Ursula | McAllister |
Elaine | McClure |
Don | McClure |
Wayne | McDonald |
Kasey | McDonald |
Sean | McGrath |
Aaron | McGrath |
Greg | McKibbin |
Maxwell | McLellan |
Kylie | McLeod |
Brooke | McMaster |
Ewen | McPherson |
Jason | McRobert |
Melissa | Meadows |
Peter | Meyer |
Len | Mifsud |
Paul | Mifsud |
Dean | Mighell |
Dennis | Millar |
James | Miller |
Phillip | Mirenda |
Judi | Mitchell |
Richard | Mitchell |
Gary | Moerenhout |
Mario | Monaco |
John | Montalto |
Sue | Morris |
Stephen | Morris |
Kerrie | Morrison |
Vinnie | Moscatello |
Anthony | Murphy |
Peter | Murray |
Amanda | Muzslai |
Trent | Nankervis |
Dayne | Nankervis |
Tony | Nardella |
Maree | Nardella |
Julia | Neville |
Tim | O Meagher |
Christopher | O Neill |
Anthony | O'Dwyer |
Wayne | O'Meara |
Patrick | O'Shea |
Elaine | O'Shea |
James | Pagonis |
P | Pagonis |
Angus | Paine |
Michael | Palmieri |
Santo | Palmieri |
Patrick | Papaleo |
Michael | Parker |
Jessica | Parker |
Josh | Parks |
Terry | Partridge |
Paul | Pascuzzi |
Ben | Peach |
Martin | Pearce |
Kevin | Peck |
Aileen | Pedersen |
Lisa | Pedro |
Ursula | Peel |
Andrew | Pellizzer |
John | Petracca |
Brett | Petrie |
Giuseppe | Petroro |
Robert | Pettersen |
Anthony | Pezzano |
Peter | Phelps |
Tony | Phillips |
Annette | Philp |
Toni | Piccolo |
Joe | Piccolo |
Jessica | Piert |
Paul | Pillios |
Jason | Plapp |
Catherine | Plueckhahn |
Brian | Pocknee |
Richard | Porter |
Marjorie | Povey |
Sue | Powers |
Tracey | Pratt |
Barry | Priest |
Carol | Priest |
Brad | Prosser |
David | Proudfoot |
Jonathon | Pura |
Emma | Quayle |
Jeanette | Radford |
Lynton | Rance |
Simon | Rance |
Matthew | Ray |
Amanda | Read |
Anthony | Reader |
Gary | Reed |
Simon | Reeves |
Kellie | Rennie |
Barbara | Robb |
Andrew | Robbins |
Narrelle | Roberts |
Jake | Robinson |
Grace | Robinson |
Stacey | Robinson |
Dane | Robinson |
David | Roffey |
Mark | Roper |
Leanne | Ross |
Luke | Rudling |
David | Russell |
Mandy | Rutter |
George | Sabadin |
Taygen | Sage |
Judith | Sage |
Maree | Salanowski |
Robert | Salter |
Jason | Santalucia |
David | Santamaria |
Jeff | Saunders |
Gian | Sberna |
Gian | Sberna |
Mia | Schubert |
Malte | Schudlich |
Cameron | Schuster |
Kevin | Seymour |
Anthony | Sharman |
Henry | Sharp |
Emma | Shelton |
Susan | Sherratt |
Joanne | Shiell |
Heather | Shipp |
Gary | Simmons |
Avis | Simmons |
Robert | Sing |
Paul | Sleeman |
Brett | Smith |
Tania | Smith |
Tony | Soccio |
Narelle | Spangher |
George | Spiteri |
William | Spiteri |
Christina | Stavrianos |
Christopher | Stear |
Edward | Stefani |
Rosa | Stervaggi |
Christopher | Stevens |
Craig | Stevens |
Lisa | Stevenson |
Barry | Stockdale |
Joanne | Stockdale |
Kevin | Strange |
Tamica | Sturgess |
Graeme | Sudweeks |
Megan | Sutherland |
John | Sutton |
Steven | Taylor |
Christopher | Tesoriero |
Triffin | Theodoulis |
Simon | Thomas |
Lindsay | Thornton |
Carol | Timmins |
Gwen | Timmins |
Mal | Tobin |
Aileen | Toll |
Troy | Toohey |
Bryan | Toohey |
David | Toy |
John | Toyne |
Vasilious | Tsiavos |
Peter | Tsoubos |
Vickie | Tuanui |
Craig | Turtle |
Dominic | Veli |
Anthony | Ventre |
Ross | Vicino |
James | Vigus |
Troy | Wajsman |
Nicole | Waldron |
Craig | Waldron |
Anne | Walker |
Peter | Wallis |
Gareth | Wallis |
Kaye | Walsh |
Ann | Walsh |
Paul | Walthers |
Barry | Ward |
Ray | Ward |
Stephen | Ward |
Adam | Warhaft |
Anthony | Warren |
Douglas | Watson |
Jill | Watson |
Michael | Waugh |
Les | Webber |
Michael | Wellington |
Jodi | Wheaton |
Judy | Whelan |
Troy | Whitford |
David | Whiting |
Brent | Whittaker |
Kellie | Whittam |
Gavin | Wigginton |
Katrina | Williamson |
Trevor | Wilson |
Len | Wright |
M | Wright |
Ron | Wright |
Kay | Wuestewald |
Lauren | Xuereb |
Joanne | Yodgee |
Graeme | Young |
Mark | Young |
Con | Zouros |
Nicholas | Zouros |
Kate | Zuiderwijk |