Life membership of the Essendon Football Club is an honour bestowed on very few. 

Throughout Essendon's proud history, players, coaches, administrators, and volunteers have been inducted as Life Members. These awards are made in recognition of their outstanding contributions to the club and community. 

The significant contributions made by Essendon's Life Members are reflected in the club’s motto:

Suaviter in Modo, Fortiter in Re
'Gently in manner, resolutely in execution'

Essendon Football Club Life Members

First Name Last Name Year Inducted
Jo-Anne Albert 2017
Steven Alessio 2002
Julie Allan 2019
Chris Allan 2019
Noel Allanson 1980
Ron Andrews 1982
Kevin Andrews 2014
Jack Atkinson 1962
Leon Baker 2012
Fred Baring 1925
Paul Barnard 2012
John Barnes 2012
Peter Bateman 1978
Norm Beckton 1930
Graeme Beissel 2012
George Bell 1950
Tom Bellchambers 2017
Ken Betts 1991
Darren Bewick 1999
Doug Bigelow 1956
Lorna Birney 2016
John Birt 1966
Russell Blew 1990
Justin Blumfield 2011
Mark Bolton 2008
Len Bowe 1921
Edmund Bowen 1980
Ken Box 2011
Peter Bradbury 2012
Paul Brasher 2023
Bill Brew 1942
Bill Brittingham 1952
Greg Brown 2002
Harold Buckingham 1974
Reg Burgess 2012
Alan Burton 2017
Wally Buttsworth 1947
V.F. Byrne 1933
David Calthorpe 2012
Ernie Cameron 1928
George Campbell 1933
Barry Capuano 1975
Blake Caracella 2012
Stephen Carey 2012
Syd Carman 1944
Jim Carstairs 1963
Jack Cassin 1946
S. Chapple 1984
Tony Charlton 2010
Jack Chazan 1969
Dr. Sam Chazan 1970
R. Clark 2001
Thomas Clarke 1946
Jack Clarke 1960
Neil Clarke 1986
Robin Close 1977
John Coleman 1956
David Collins 2012
Walter Collis 1958
Bruce Connor 1999
William Cookson 1949
William Cox 1978
Wallace Crichton 1941
Brian Crowe 1999
Barbara Cullen 2014
Pat (Pasquale) Curcio 2014
Terry Daniher 1987
Chris Daniher 1996
Neale Daniher 2008
Anthony Daniher 2014
Barry Davis 1970
Jim de Laroy 1976
Brendan de Morton 2021
John Deed 1992
Courtenay Dempsey 2015
Sean Denham 2004
Rob Destradi 2007
Gerard Dillon 2021
George Dobson 1933
Adrian Dodoro 2021
Clyde Donaldson 1926
Brian Donohoe 1985
Paul Doran 1974
F. Dowling 1973
R. Drummond 1986
Bill Duckworth 1991
Frank Dunell 2012
Allan Dunn 2011
Ricky Dyson 2021
Kevin Egan 1988
Manny Eilenberg 1941
Jim Eilenberg 1971
E. Elliott 1941
Tony Elshaug 2012
Alec Epis 1967
Emil Eugene 1989
Ron Evans 1982
David Evans 2019
Murray Exelby 1946
Alan Ezard 1992
A.F. F. McGowan 1929
Jack Feain 1986
Neville Fields 1981
Bill Fleming 1922
Ken Fletcher 1976
Dustin Fletcher 2003
David Flood 1995
Charlie Forbes 1910
K.M. Forbes 1938
Ted Fordham 1975
Garry Foulds 1983
Ken Fraser 1967
Noel Freeman 1985
Bill French 1948
David Friend 2011
Luisa Gaetano 2014
Jack Garden 1927
Les Gardiner 1952
W. Gardner 1973
Neville Gay 1980
Darryl Gerlach 1972
Ken Gilbertson 1997
Brendon Goddard 2018
Jim Golledge 2001
Alan Gordon 2015
Geoff Gosper 1969
Jack Green 1988
David Grenvold 2012
Les Griggs 1972
Don Gross 1974
Brian Hammond 2015
Damien Hardwick 2002
Ron Hare 1990
Albert Harper 1952
Alex Harry 1968
J.C. Harvey 1954
Mark Harvey 1993
Glenn Hawker 1987
Shane Heard 1986
Colin Hebbard 1999
Chris Heffernan 2012
Andy Hellier 1951
Dyson Heppell 2018
Julie Hewes 2015
Bruce Heymanson 1999
John Hickey 1999
Murray Hicks 1985
David Hille 2012
Paul Hills 2012
Allan Hird 1959
James Hird 2002
Heath Hocking 2017
Cale Hooker 2017
Colin Hooper 1992
Ray Horsburgh 2011
Harry Horsnall 2009
Harry Hunter 1942
Michael Hurley 2018
Bill Hutchison 1951
Charlie Italia 2007
Peter Jackson 2009
Daryl Jackson 2015
Jason Johnson 2007
Mark Johnson 2008
Graeme Johnston 2012
Tim Jonas 2008
Jack Jones 1960
J.C. Jordan 1936
Noel Judkins 1994
Barry Keam 1985
Wilfred Kent-Hughes 1907
John Kilby 1992
Ron Kirwan 2005
Beverly Knight 2004
Roy Laing 1926
Chris Lambert 1948
Harold Lambert 1949
Gordon Lane 1949
Harry Lee 1942
D. Leeds 1988
Ted Leehane 2000
Geoff Leek 1960
Paul Lew 2005
Paul Little, AO 2019
Matthew Lloyd 1999
Michael Long 2006
Scott Lucas 2006
Simon Madden 1983
Michael Maplestone 2021
E.J. Martin 1936
Josh Martin 1938
H. Masterton 1924
Charlie May 1952
Roy McConnell 1958
Alex McCracken 1905
Jack McCraith 1984
R. McDonald 1972
Alan McGillivray 1981
George McGilton 1929
Don McKenzie 1969
Denise McKissock 2007
Neil McKissock 2007
Graeme McMahon 2006
S. McPherson 1941
Mark McVeigh 2009
Mark Mercuri 2002
Roger Merrett 1987
J. Merton 1926
Len Mifsud 2005
Gary Miller 2010
Joe Misiti 2005
Hugh Mitchell 1962
Angus Monfries 2017
Gary Moorcroft 2012
Graham Moss 2015
Alan Murphy 1985
David Myers 2017
Frank Nash 1992
Adam Nash 2001
James Nash 2001
Nick Neophitou 2007
W.E. Newton 1936
Alan Noonan 1975
Susie Norton 2017
Gary O’Donnell 1997
Percy Ogden 1922
Howard Okey 1947
Rick Olarenshaw 2012
J. Osborne 1949
Darcy Parish 2023
Kevin Parks 2006
Charlie Payne 1971
Elton 'Duffy' Plummer 1946
N. Plummer 1947
Geoff Pryor 2012
Adam Ramanauskas 2009
Bill Raper 1925
George Rawle 1934
F.G. Reid 1936
Dr. Bruce Reid 1994
Dick Reynolds 1943
Dr. Ian Reynolds 1994
Edward Rippon 1956
Grif Roberts 1946
T. Robertson 1945
Fred Robinson 1966
Brian Rogers 2012
Graeme Rowe 2015
Cec Ruddell 1949
Les Russell 1989
J.F. Ryan 1921
Patrick Ryder 2017
Paul Salmon 1992
Brian Sampson 2012
Graeme Schultz 2011
Greg Sewell 1961
David Shaw 1968
Robert Shaw 1999
John Shaw 2014
Mark Shea 1919
Kevin Sheedy 1985
Ian Shelton 2006
C.H. Simpson 1957
William Slater 1957
Merna Slattery 1999
George Smillie 1948
W.J. Smith 1960
Dean Solomon 2010
Peter Somerville 2012
L. Southgate 1953
Murray Spargo 2010
Fergus Speakman 1955
Bill Stanton 1977
Brent Stanton 2012
Tom Stephens 1946
Ron Stevens 1976
Alan Stevens 1994
Colin Stubbs 1992
George Stuckey 1913
Cyril Sutherland 1955
Bob Syme 1953
Brad Teal 2009
Alan Thaw 1966
Mark Thompson 1992
Ken Timms 2013
Robert Tobias 2008
Fred Todd 1967
Hugh Torney 1943
N. Tot Miller 1952
Les Turner 1950
Paul Vander Haar 1986
Jack Vosti 1953
Glenda Wade 2014
Bruce Waite 2012
Dean Wallis 1997
Joe Walmsley 1945
William Walmsley 1983
Bruce Walmsley 2013
P. Walsh 1961
Kevin Walsh 1992
James Walsh 2009
Gavin Wanganeen 2012
Clive Ward 1971
Fred Wasley 1963
Keith Waters 1967
Tim Watson 1986
Jobe Watson 2013
Rowley Watt 1932
Len Webster 1938
Sean Wellman 2005
Andrew Welsh 2012
Paul Weston 2012
Mick S. Williams 1951
John Williams 2006
Ray Williams 2008
Darren Williams 2010
Jason Winderlich 2013
Paul Wise 2006
Bryan Wood 2013
F.H. 'Uncy' Woods 1946
Robert C. Woods 1981
Craig Yorston 2010
David Zaharakis 2017
Isaac Zimmerman 1969